Poster Çanakkale Çocukları

Türkei, 2012

Çanakkale Çocukları

  • 28. September 2012
  • Drama
  • Türkei, 2012
  • Directed by: Sinan Çetin
  • Cast: Kenan Baydemir, Haluk Bilginer, Yavuz Bingöl
  • In Turkish with subtitles

Kathrine is British with Australian roots. Her husband Kasim is an important member of the party “Unity and Development”. The couple has two sons, Osman and James. Osman is sent to the mines in the country, and James to England in order to study. For Kathrine all starts with the separation from her sons. She has consistently horrible nightmares that her two sons will kill each other. This drives her almost crazy. Although Kasim is troubled by his wife’s’ behavior, his love for the country is the priority of his life. On a family event with friends Kathrine discovers Wilma who she already knows from her nightmares. She is totally shocked. Wilma tells her that she doesn’t have much time and warns her that her sons will die if she wouldn’t hurry. After this Katherine loses her patience once and for all. She is so confused that she can’t stay where she is anymore. Hence, she decides to save her sons. Kasim is irritated and annoyed and starts a big argument with his wife in front of all their friends. Kathrine, a loving mother, starts her journey to Canakkale where the war broke out and a terrible massacre is raging. Will she find her sons there and manage to save them?